From The Author

Giacomo Leopardi inspired me to write this Book on 'Sunset Love'. He was inspired by a young woman across the street from him when h...

Sunset Love Book 1

 My warehouse home

In this warehouse

the poetry will flow

like a fast flowing stream

down the mountain.

For it is here, that I shall

create and produce

with so much of my life

experiences at my finger tips!

So much material that I have

not lost or given up on,

so many personal memories

of periods or chapters of my life.

Such a source of details

of times past, of day activities

and years of joy pursuing

my heart's desires, dedicated

to Italian in particular, history

and Languages, not really knowing

why but knowing this direction

for the benefit of others

and my happiness.

My Dream Factory

So much comes back to me

as memories grow and living

another chapter of my life.

This is Christmas 2018, a time

of joy and new connections,

but somehow with the past

present in every single day.

Is this the third age? When

people around you try to find

meaning in their life, in

the company that they keep?

Why is it that I am contended

in this warehouse where my world

resides amongst all these books

and so much, much more?

Is it because every day I have?

a place where I come to dream

and then turn these into reality?

In a very small way, of course!

A Mamma

Sono gia' passati 24 anni

da quando tu ci hai lasciato.

Pero' le tue domeniche a casa,

a Foley Street, con tutti noi

a tavola: ricordi indimenticabili.

Anche per i miei bambini

e quelli delle mie sorelle.

Tu, Mamma, forte e decisiva

avevi anche il dono di capire

che ognuno puo' essere libero,

pero' vicino a te, dovevano fare

i bravi e comportarsi bene.

Se no, facevi sentire la tua voce

che filtrava direttamente

su tutti noi: i tuoi figli.

Per me era come se tu avessi

uno speciale riguardo, forse

perche' ero l'unico maschio

con quattro sorelle... ed un papa'

lontano per tanti anni. E poi

sono andato a Moliterno a studiare!

Una buona decisione... riconoscevi

che un giorno, forse, ti avrei scritto

qualche poesia. Adesso e' Natale

e tu ci guardi da lassu'... Chissa' se anche

la' festeggiate quel Bambino nella Stalla.

Ora si trova in Paradiso con voi... ed e' Il Signore!

E mi domando: si puo' avere la Democrazia

in Paradiso? Chi comanda? Forse il Buon Dio

chiude un occhio e vi fa fare quel che volete...

ma proprio come te Mamma come facevi

con noi. Forse infine ognuno era libero

di andarsene o restare con te! Forse anche

il Paradiso e' cosi': chi sta vicino a Dio

e chi si trova un angolo del cielo

dove abitare liberamente. Chissa'... ma

adesso e' Natale. Auguri a tutti di la' e qua!

Finding friends

So now you are on your own...

the love of your life is gone.

She won't come back... but

she's always there in spirit!

What will I do? Keep to myself?

Or go out into the world

and find a friend or friends...

too late to commit yourself

to another... time to be free!

Yet companionship is necessary.

Too old or too young: is this

the way you feel? Will you

go out finding friends?

Maybe this is the answer moving

forward... and the memories?

The memories are always there:

they don't go away... like history!

A new chapter unfolds now. Maybe

this is my Christmas present

and for the New Year ahead!

Sunset Love – A New Chapter - Began writing 20 Dec 2018

Is your muse calling you?

Yes, because it's Christmas

and this past year is special.

So many changes, twists and turns:

a welcome holiday after so much

on my plate for so long!

Above all else, peace of mind

and heart, a more relaxed view

of the world, believing in myself more

and finding time to overcome

all obstacles in my way.

It's time to begin a new chapter,

perhaps many new chapters,

to make those long waited

books of memories, of new ideas.

And love? Where is love?

Is it around the corner or

whilst I once had will suffice?

Maybe I will find a grown up

love by the sea. To swim in clear

waters and not have to worry about

jelly fish and the likes... to just

enjoy company as the waves

come sheepishly towards us...

just you and me, as our toes

touch... and it's electricity!

A Silvana

All'Abruzzo Club devo il mio nuovo

amore per grazia di un invito

inaspettato ed incontro fortunato.

Mi sei subito apparsa anima gemella,

gioiosa e bella. Ed io son rimasto

fulminato come non spesso faccio

con chi mi sento ad agio! Vai, non mi fare

aspettare con il tuo spirito in guardia!

Lascia crescere il germoglio dell'amore

che il tempo dona a chi lo veramente vuole.

Forse al Mare chiediamo l'aiuto

per far nascere quel qualcosa in piu'

che la vita offre a chi speranza non ha piu'.


Quel giorno quando il sole illuminava

la spiaggia, il mare e la gente con i suoi raggi,

mi sono preso anch'io una bella bruciatura

sulla pelle. Non sapevo che avevo preso

una tal cotta finquando la sera

tardi l'aloa vera mi ha salvato!

E poi di nuovo con i miei pensieri

riflettevo sulla bella giornata e compagnia,

ho pensato alle nuove avventure che io avrei

poi creato con la mia nuova poesia

del 'Pescecane e Delfino in rotta'

per nuove attivita' e tanto buonumore.

Ed ecco che comincia l'avventura li'

in quel mondo mare dove viveva

un Pescecane solitario, indaffarato

con tutte le sue cose, osservare

con interesse quella bella Delfino

che si godeva ogni giorno quell'ambiente

incantato vicino a quell'angolo di mare

dove le colline lo circondano. Li' i giorni

passano gioiosi a nuotare o sulla spiaggia

a camminare. E non solo... poi c'e' il villaggio

marino dei tanti Pesci locali che hanno

anche loro deciso di guizzare di qua e di la'.


Continuera' l'avventura? Chissa' dove

ci portera'! Sara' breve o lunga? Chi lo sa?

A full Rainbow

Whilst walking my steps

in Denman Street tonight,

I saw a full rainbow

in the sky, as it was barely dark.

The drizzle from the grey sky

hit my head as if to say

that I had found a pot of love

at each of the two ends

of that half full circle of rainbow!

How can it be that once

again I find myself reflecting

on Life's journey and how

the twists and turns operate...

Losing my previous Life's

love of forty-three years

and then staying behind to fight

for my life, my new chapters,

my new everything within and out!

The rainbow tonight seemed

to envelop my being and say:

love is there for you, find it.

Cover your new tracks with hope

and let the days, each day,

be like a new dawn. To have

and to hold in a tight embrace.

Maybe it's you I am looking for!

A friend with benefits

Right now I could do

with a hug or two from you!

How good is it when a friend?

feels the same... it's a gift

that is shared and it benefits

both in the same way!

Being close with a friend

can be a wonderful way

to have many activities together:

travelling, games, shared experiences

but also just plainly having

dinner together or a walk

in the park or on the beach

by the sea. Sharing and caring

makes companionship grow...

and yet you remain you

with all that you want to do.

A friend with benefits creates

a special bond and has

the advantage of giving both

the freedom to be themselves!

You: my inspiration

Why be so embarrassed

when you are the source

of so much joy and pleasure?

In my solitary world, there is room

for such company, as my poetry.

But she too, as a friend, has need

of companionship and inspiration.

Such a situation offers happiness

and the opportunity to travel

together on so many varied paths

of our journeys on road, rail

and on that wonderful place

in which the fish in the sea

live, play and share moments

of activity, social interaction

and rest. And if this latter

is in the shade of a willow tree,

on a bed of green grass

with petals of violets and daisies,

then we can invite the great

painters of our time to capture

this idyllic period when we can leave the

old year 2018 and welcome the new

one 2019, with open arms, caresses

and the biggest hugs that we

can muster. The only thing

left to say for a good ending

is to mutually say: ‘I love you.'

Just like inspiration is to poetry.

The New Year 2019

It was truly a spectacular event

from my vantage point there

overlooking the Yarra River

near Princes Bridge, across Flinders

Street station... and the people.

the fireworks, after a long wait,

allowed me to reflect on 2018.

Now that year is part of history.

What happened will be a source

of much thinking as I revisit

the developments of my life's

journey. Now I am on my own

and needing companionship, yet

enjoying my new found freedom.

How strange is this twist and turn!

So 2019 was welcomed amidst

a huge crowd and cheers of pure

joy and community spirit. The happy

banter of people using their phones,

cameras, video recorders and tablets.

The sheer diversity of ethnicity

and cultural make up in dress sense

showed what a truly multicultural city

we truly have developed over the years.

Such a show of a caring and peaceful

population alongside our security

and events personnel created in me

a sense of pride and a feeling of peace.

So I looked forward to cheer the 2019

year with other people, whom I did

not know, close to me. Yet the pure

excitement of our mutual expectation

to be a part of a great night was there

in between two years: the old one

with a goodbye and the new one

with so much hope and good wishes

for family, friends and all in our city,

state, nation and all of humanity

in the world and, why not, the universe!

To top it all up, in the end on our way

home, we were stuck on Princes Bridge

with a crawl pace in a well behaved

and patient crowd in the well organized

walking path that worked to perfection.

After we succeeded in exiting this very

packed mass of people, we met up with

our three lady friends and enjoyed further

good wishes for a Happy new Year 2019!

A short time together that will last forever

in my musings to come! Felice Anno Nuovo.

Our marathon

Misunderstandings will occur

between you and me. Distance,

you know, makes hearts grow

fonder. And the heart is strong

but fragile at the same time.

So, when it counts and distance

is put back in its own place,

joy, peace and harmony

will come in together just like

the Three Wise Kings from the east!

Their invitation was refused by

La Befana who chased them soon

after to no avail. Now she brings those

gifts to all children because she

missed out in giving these herself

personally to little Baby Jesus

in His cradle. Our La Befana

gifts are plentiful in those socks

hanging in the house ready

to celebrate the end of another

Christmas Season. Dopo La Befana

e L'Epifania tutte le Feste vanno via...

Soon the days will be more real

and love can grow more naturally.

Who knows how this new time will be

between you and me?! Tell me to keep

myself 'moderato' so that I will be able

to face our upcoming marathon! Love you.

You take over my life

When two people meet, they don't

know how their life may change.

The more they chat and get to know

each other, the less there is to say.

There comes a time in this journey

when words alone are not enough.

Activities, fun and games, outings

must enter into the equation...

and if this is successful,

a true friendship is created.

Friendship, companionship, love

need the physical experience

of doing things together. Then

the online relationship is more real.

So it is true that you and me

"take over some of our individual

life time to give to the other!"

Any doubt about this reality

must be set aside if we truly

want each other in the mix

of our individual commitments.

The key to all this, as a wise

man once said, is :'moderato'!

Riprendiamo... nuovo giorno

Ogni giorno ci porta nuove speranze

se lasci indietro il giorno prima,

se non appesantisci l'adesso.

Un semplice sms o frase sul iPhone

ci riporta di nuovo insieme come prima.

Essere lontano l'uno dall'altra o

viceversa causa problemi di separazione.

La mancanza fisica si fa sentire

padrona con assoluta crudelta',

domina ogni momento del giorno,

si accanisce contro l'innamorato!

Succede questo anche all'innamorata?

Chi lo sa? Forse ci vuole una confessione

reciproca per farci capire quanto

amore veramente e' presente.

Chissa' se un giorno... gia' lo so,

me l'hai detto... ci vediamo la'!

Il cuore gia' palpita al pensiero

di una camminata insieme su quel

sentiero dove tutti vanno a fare

esercizi ed o essere in compagnia.

Si', da li' comincera' la maratona.

Sara' la prima, ma non di certo l'ultima.

Tu lo sai che io lo so, ed io so che tu lo sai.

La Befana 2019

As the twelve days of Christmas

come to an end, the Three Wise Kings

from the East, on their way, to visit

Baby Jesus, where the Comet led them,

stopped whilst an old housewife

was sweeping and putting order

to her cottage. After her act of kindness

by giving the parched travelers drinks

and refreshments, the Three Men,

dressed in Royal costumes, told her

that a New Celestial Baby King

was born on Earth and would she

come with them to offer the New

Born King gifts and their respect.

The old kind housewife refused

saying that she was too busy to go.

The Three Wise Kings from the East

left... but soon after the kind old

housewife gathered appropriate gifts

and ran after the Three Travellers, trying

to catch up with them, but to no avail.

At that very moment, Baby Jesus from his

Cradle in a Manger in a poor shepherd hut,

blessed the old housewife and she became

La Befana... and Jesus gave her the ability

to travel across all the earth, in that Starry Sky,

on her broomstick and give gifts to all children

to celebrate His Arrival.

La Befana's gifts multiply as she

travels far and wide on the night between the 5th

and 6th of January each year. With the help of

Mums, Dads, and All who love children,

presents are put in colourful socks in their

home as La Befana sweeps through the air

and can only stop quickly because she is so busy!

Tradition says that La Befana only gives gifts

to good children and pieces of coal

to naughty bad children. Guess what?

La Befana this year visited me. I am an adult.

She said: I am giving you the Gift of Love.

Tell the World that I recognize that

even naughty children should receive

my gifts, since they probably need them

even more than the children who are

naturally blessed with a nicer disposition.

Tell the world that from now on coal

should remain in the ground since the world

now has the Sun, Wind and the Oceans

to provide the energy that humans need.

Remember La Befana of 2019,

when you must rewrite my story

in the Land of the First People

where the Rainbow Serpent too

and all the Ancient Spirits once

lived under the Southern Cross.

La Befana invites All People to end

the Festive season by giving gifts

inside small or large colourful socks

to honour the Little Baby in the Cradle.

Include a Boomerang Gift for children

as a sign of Love that comes back.

All the Universe in Heaven and Earth

are now at Peace because the Epiphany

has arrived, La Befana has travelled

in all corners of the Globe and, where

it is cold, they light up a big bonfire

to announce the end of the Christmas

Season. The same happens in the waters

and Lands under the Southern Cross.

People go to the beach and even Antarctica

celebrates Christmas by giving its varied

fish, birds and animals days of respite

from icy cold conditions. As the Epiphany

marks the end of this festive period, Baby

Jesus, together with His Mum and Dad,

return to Bethlehem, La Befana too

goes back to mind her own home

for another year. She is already

worrying about the presents that

she will bring to all children on Earth

next year when we will celebrate

the birthday of a Holy, smiling, radiant

Baby in his poor location in a stable,

surrounded by Love from the Universe

and on Earth by people with goodwill.

Love too can grow from very unusual

places, whether comfortable or not.

What counts is the sentiment of Care

between people and among all nations

on Earth. Glory be in Excelsis Dei!


How can it be that Joy

in my heart has come to me!

So suddenly that I am surprised

at its so great intensity!

Just like Love can enter our being

reflecting on the message of Christmas...

and the world is a better place.

So it is that Joy can do the same

for you and me when the right

person, companion, friend, lover

becomes such a welcome reality.

That feeling of being on your own

as you grow older and the sun

sets over the sea in melancholy.

You are no longer alone and feel

that somehow the Universe

has conjured in your favour.

Our favour because love for each

other, care for every day,

and such a deeper friendship

can exist... They are here now!

What Joy!

Joy in my heart

When I see you and your smiling eyes

my heart rejoices and I surrender all

that feeling of being alone... to continue

against the tides and waves of life.

These lately seemed to have approached

me negatively. Now that you are here,

the days somehow seem more friendly.

The sun rises at a different beat for me.

Such gifts I receive when your smile

or very perceptive comments and phrases

return to me, when on my own, just like

the waves of the sea reach the sandy

shores of our favourite portion of coastline.

That walk on the beach, sharing ideas

about the meaning of our existence,

the strength that we must have to continue

to live a life without a partner who died suddenly

or one who fell sick over time... and our worlds

were turned upside down for you and me.

Oh Silvana, you are the ray of sunshine

that I needed in my life... I cannot understand

how this came to be! It remains a mystery.

The fruits of Friendship

When you again meet a companion,

someone so special who brings new hope

for a future of life's limited tenure,

then somehow peace in your heart

comes to rest as each day unfolds.

We are no longer alone to face

our daily reality... we know that

there will be another walk on the beach

or in a park, or an outing to the city

or travel or just having a dinner for two.

What wonderful company we are

for each other! It cannot be explained

how such a force of nature came

to our shores... but it did arrive!

So now is the time to rejoice, to wonder

at the mystery of life that closes

doors and opens others... New

confidence and positive thoughts

return like unexpected gifts!

Oh how grateful I am for these

daily dreams for new adventures!

Yes, on the horizon we can see

the sun that rises over many new

lands where we 'll choose to go.

Maybe we should consider that

trip to Italy or Greece... elsewhere?

The future is a minefield

The future is the carrot

that dangles in the present.

But, we know, that it is also

a mine field full of surprises,

whether we are careful or not.

However we can all learn

to study this wonderful field

of ours by identifying where

the mines are located and slowly

removed. Our field is then clear

and we can enjoy the fruits

of a field that is safe and where

we can grow together whatever

our hearts desire and truly want.

But once the mines are removed

there are no more challenges.

We become more self assured

and contended. This is the time

to watch even more carefully!

In that field now there is only you

and me... we cannot remain idle...

We must work this field of joy,

happiness and satisfaction

by creating real harmony of purpose.

Are we ready for this? Will we allow

this to happen without putting barriers,

at least not permanently... for a while,

yes...those barriers are good. They do

protect certain parts of our field. I am

ready for the challenge... and conscious

that in life, there is always give and take.

Are you also ready? Let us together find out

and always try to keep it 'light and breezy'!

The challenges of togetherness

When we are free and operate

on our own in our own world,

the challenges of togetherness

with someone else remain a goal!

Why is this so? Because we

humans, are generally social beings,

but then we also want to choose

our journey through life as we wish.

So the company we keep keeps us

going ahead positively or negatively,

depending on the harmony and fun

we are having together when we meet.

How does this happen? Is it easy to do

and maintain? Do we really want to proceed?

So many questions we can ask ourselves.

Perhaps the answer is always to swim

together in the deep but often come up

for fresh air, preferably choosing 'light

and breezy' moments where the sound

of laughter, positive activities, creativity,

spirituality gathers together in unison.

Easy to say and not so hard to do...

if we want to!


It's not our fault to love someone

too strong and in whatever we do!

We need to learn 'detachment'

so that we don't get hurt easily.

Our bolts of lightning come to us

from time to time and take over

our spirited soul. After the initial

period of getting to know, then

the mines in our field begin to show!

Removing each one is a delicate

operation ... and it all takes time.

Who knows what tomorrow brings?

It's not easy to be friends and love!

It takes a great deal of detachment

and swim through the waves of time.

Why so much pain in our heart with all

our good intentions to often stay apart?

Yes, that is the way it has to be, like

a bunch of red roses with some thorns.

It is, after all, the next stage of lives

lived with love and family. Now it's

the time to rejoice in the moment

and keep everything with lock and key!

Time is on our side to open our doors

and rejoice in each other's company,

regardless of whenever it can be!

Lucky for us with our new technology!


Connecting instantly is such company.

Yet it can be a dragon with wings

for it allows flight of thought to be

a virtual immediate arrival at our

destination and there we stop, chat,

explore, enjoy, laugh and sometimes

remain silent. We have so much to do

and this ability is like an Achille's heel.

Keeping it all under control is truly

difficult when innocently we press

the button and connect immediately!

Are you alone to talk? Can you? Do you

want to give some of your valuable time?

You know it's ok when it's ok... and

sometime, for whatever reason, it's not!

And this can be a source of irritation...

as times slips through our fingers because

time is taken away from other tasks,

obligations, activities and fun in our

separate worlds that cannot come

together... because it is what it is...

The only remedy is to be happy

for the other, you or me, and let it be!

The effects of 'detachment'

Something came inside me

as a result of too much passion

because distance and separation

highlights what I feel for you!

Managing an intense feeling of love,

wanting to have this company, yet

only when it suits and is possible...

Too many commitments from previous

plans, hard work and the reached goals

make it very hard for us to be in unison

and as together as we would like...

Detachments is necessary on wise heads

who have done it all before with love,

with family, children and friends

for company... Over the years we learn

detachment, not allowing other loves

to enter our sub-conscious. So we stop

these feelings at our door and learn about

detachment and rejection of what could

have been. But now we are free to choose.

We both realize that detachment safeguards

our liberty. The best way forward is to remain

friends and companions and share days,

moments of great intensity and then go on

our individual way to do what we must do!

Love can grow in this stop, start, stop way.

Our journey forward is in the same direction

as we learn to come to our wagon, travel

together and stop at some station, location

and with others as we leave, knowing our

return to continue together on our own

very individual journey towards the same

destination... zigzagging through time

in the misty realm of the future.

We shall find each other every time,

for love conquers all and makes us tall!

Getting to know you

When I met you I knew

immediately that I wanted

to get to know you. I did...

because you too wanted the same

even if, at first, you didn't plan

to do this. So, how did it happen?

How long does it take for two people

to really develop a beautiful friendship,

based on love, respect, mutual

interests, similar background and prior

acquaintance in our younger days?

It didn't happen then. We both went

our own way. Then, after successful

and lasting marriages, death knocked

at our doors and our mutual partners

were no more!

We both have done what probably

many would not do: re-establish

ourselves in our own right, taking

individual responsibility for the direction

in life that we wanted to proceed with,

not fully knowing the result that such

decisions and actions would lead us to.

What effect have these had on those

around us? Did we keep it altogether? Yes, because

today we are both independent and in our own domains.

And then we met... like a lightening

bolt out of the blue! This probably

happened to us when our life's rainbow

began to form and here we found a pot

of Love. Not gold as the saying goes,

but love, a strong and lasting love, to form

our family with our mutual chosen partners.

Now we are looking at the other end

of this rainbow that crowns us

with its majestic half circle over our heads

and protects us. This rainbow is in the Land

of the Rainbow Serpent: it envelops us

under its mystical halo and brings

wisdom, joy and love. All we want now

is to live knowing now that Time

is both and enemy and a friend.

For each time that we spent time

together is a bonus. Let it be so

as we move forward under our

very own rainbow of love,

companionship and friendship.

I am sure that we are both blessed

and grateful to the Universe,

life's departed partners and to

the Almighty. We say 'thank you'

for this joy in our heart, this other

pot of love that we found in our life.


Soon we will be there with our lasting

forming friendship. We do need to have

unconditionally trust in each other

for the journey ahead. This journey is like

that of a pilgrimage as we are going towards

the Goddess of Love sanctuary and we did

not know where we would find it. Then one

day we saw clearly that a new journey was

in front of us. So we began to walk together

towards our destination and sometimes, often

enough, our old life path continued as before.

But this journey of ours will impact on the other

and strengthen our knowledge of true

independence. Not neglecting that friendship,

companionship and love are the three Wise Kings

coming to us under our Southern Cross star!

Exchanging gifts

How good is this? Me having your

gnocchi that you'll make for me!

Sharing Rochet or Baci chocolates

with a drink or two... for two!

Have you read this book? Will

you listen to my poetry? I love

reading... so why not! What

about this Italian language book?

Ok, I don't mind reading it... Did

you finish your work on the house?

Are your family and friends coming

for the holidays? Plenty to do, I say!

And you? How good is my paradise?

Well. very good, I see... Mine is of

a different kind: a paradise in my

warehouse full of books and all else!

Two different worlds and life choices

made as hope for the future.

Choices, choices and life goes on.

And thus spake Time!

Two lonely stars

We were both looking at the sky

from different places and it was night.

We texted: 'how are you doing?'.

We realized we were wondering

whether those two lonely stars

of the Cosmos would ever touch

each other! How could they possibly

do that? Each star was lonely

and reasonably happy in their

part of the Universe. But wait!

There is movement out there...

We noticed that these two

lonely stars were throwing rays

of acknowledgement to each other!

That's how those two stars became

friends... and now, at night, before

going to bed, each star looks for

the other. Distance is no problem at all,

especially if you can text or video call!

Cuddly feeling

As each day unfolds, I think of you.

I don't know why, but it's true!

Perhaps it is that we both eject

our inner darts to hit the centre

of our very own being. Why so?

Too much too soon? Not enough?

Who knows? Togetherness has

no bounds! It's that warm, cuddly

feeling that comes unexpectedly

as we live each day and do what

we must! But then those daydreams,

even at night, take over and give us

respite. Love these moments. These

are very special for we found each other

in the nick of time. And now we are

moving forward and enjoying

the fulfillment of expectations!

It's like making light of our

burdens...and happy to do so!

Togetherness, you know!

I love today

We have been waiting for today

for I don't know how long! It was

only a couple of weeks ago that we

had another 'today'... and it seems

such a long time ago! Can we have

more todays as we move along?

Just passing the time together,

holding hands and walking, looking,

enjoying the sights, sharing moments

of bliss for our souls... wanting to

stop time, but we know we can't!

Making memories instead to strengthen

friendship, care for each other's walk

through life. it's not too late to begin

another journey, many tracks in

different paths. Shall we go there?

Will we meet tomorrow? Why not

anywhere... as long as you are there!

We have arrived

It was unexpected, but we made it.

We have arrived at the first port

of our destination. The one that

gave us our first initial experience

of sightseeing together. The activities

followed naturally as if we had done

all this before. I know that perhaps

I can be a little too enthusiastic

for longer than I should. That's my

nature! We must reflect on this first

journey that has now come to an end.

We are each in our own home and that's

the way it should be! We have had our

initial taste of how we can travel together,

see the sights and then each gives

the other space. The freedom that

everyone craves. The freedom that

the Universe bestows on all humans,

if we want it... Yes, we both do!