From The Author

Giacomo Leopardi inspired me to write this Book on 'Sunset Love'. He was inspired by a young woman across the street from him when h...

Sunset Love Book 4

 Pure Bliss

After a good period apart, this friendship

is proving to be even stronger than I thought.

Being with you is like a timeless event,

where time is forgotten and we, together,

enjoy the pure bliss of companionship.

Just going for that long walk and chatting

about what goes on in the world, or

preparing a delicious meal with a good

glass of that excellent wine. Sharing

our views about the world we live in

and the challenges that are faced by all,

but especially by young people wanting

to have a go at what we call a successful

life and a prosperous future. Sunset

Love does offer so much more to those,

like us, who understand the limitations

of our individual situation. We have

individually established lives with family

and friends. Therefore pure bliss can only

come to us if we demonstrate and practise

understanding, care and respect for each other.

We know that each day is as precious as

the weather and natural environment gives us.

We enjoy the sunshine, the warmth, the beautiful

surrounds that nature offers. We love to be

joyful, free and happy without the burdens

which we have carried over the years

because of a growing family, commitment

to our work and maintaining our marriage

intact, sincere and in peace. Values that you

and I have shared again, as individuals, over

the years within our separate lives. Now

we have the freedom of choice, an appreciation

of liberty, allowing our bucket list to be fulfilled,

enjoying ourselves as we travel along the path

of time. We love to see each other occasionally

and rejoicing in our mutual company. Again, this

last time has been for both of us Pure Bliss!

Mutual Understanding

Reaching mutual understanding with friends

whom you love, respect and care for their well

being is not an easy task. Especially when

personality and experience are different

from our own! The main element needed to do

this is to be patient... and really listen to the other's

heart beats, thoughts and likes! Being observant

will reveal the daily culture of the other and allow

us to look into all their characteristics. In turn

the other person has to do the same with us.

It's a mutual obligation if we truly want to have

harmony and understanding together! The benefits

for achieving this mutual understanding are very

many indeed! We become free to do and choose

whatever we believe we should have. In particular

times and as we follow our individual path in our

journey forward. We can say whatever we want.

We don't necessarily fault the other with their

opinions and beliefs. A good relationship practises

such a state of being and living with the company

we keep! Being flexible in our desires and expectations

becomes the norm. Our appreciation of what we do

together reaches new heights and allows for further

growth in joy and happiness. It's healthy to be in

this cocoon united in purpose and activities, living

the moment with a positive outlook and conversation.

What more can we want from our mutual understanding?

Well there is the real knowledge of the other's individuality

and precious personal and intellectual make up. Their spirituality,

emotional leanings and philosophy. These are ingredients

that require a dose of understanding and wisdom. We live

better when we achieve 'mutual understanding' and continue

to appreciate this need if we want harmony and a lasting friendship.

We have it now. Let's keep it and share it with love in our sunset years!

At peace with myself

The sky is today a light blue with clouds

gathered in groups with definite borders.

There is no wind, the air is quite warm

for this time of the year. You would expect

birds to be chasing each other and, on the road,

cars coming through noisily. But no, no, it is quiet,

just like my soul today! I am at peace with myself.

The last few years have been a whirlwind of activity,

moving and shifting so much of my wares... yes

they have come to rest in my new warehouse.

All these chattels, books, clothes and furniture,

my notes and media products, including my photos

and footage, the project boxes, family memories

of when my children were young! And, of course,

all this reminds me of Nella. I am surrounded

by all these things that she bought and kept for

an eventual use. She was a true buyer, my Nella.

With her moving into celestial life. I have had to

move on, to continue my journey. One that basically

travels along the same tracks of my choosing, but

this time with me totally at the helm. Moving forward

as I please without having to consider Nella's wishes

and her needs! How strange it is to feel as if my life

is beginning again! A reminder of a time before

I met Nella when I went here and there as I

pleased: meeting new friends, going out to dances

and outings... and always looking for a possible partner

to behold and love. Yes, love was there hidden in those

days of freedom. Then it arrived. The pot of love at the bottom

of the rainbow's end. And life in two as one began

until decades later when cancer struck. We thought

we could win! It wasn't to be! And Nella left a void

in my life... I did not stop and brood. I kept going

with Nella by my side in spirit...But as the days, months

and a couple of years went by and after settling

and resettling the chattels which surround me now,

I have found peace in my heart! I have accepted

the inevitable end of life and the beginning of new life.

I have always cherished memories and history.

I continue to love these but have learnt through Sunset

Love to appreciate the Now and the transient nature of time

in our life's journey. Happy, joyful or sad, in pain, grieving

or overcoming these, I, you, we all must bow our head and pray

to remain positive and try to protect our health, our way of living.

Not to be attached too much to earthly possessions and value

our spiritual and emotional human condition. To love, share,

being generous and kind are ingredients that will lead each

one of us to be 'in peace with ourselves!'

Our Federal Election and Eurovision Final 2019

What a combination for this Saturday Night and early

Sunday morning of the 16th of May 2019! Two events

that will provide a result with which I will be talking

about on my community radio segments, soon after

and in the medium to long term! This Federal Election

campaign has become polarized and given all voters

a clear choice for the laws of the near future. Shall it

be more of the same under the current Government

led by the Liberals, or shall we have a Whitlam style

new broom that will change the status quo and move us

in directions that we may or may not like. I like the saying:

"Soup is never eaten as hot as it is served !" This applies

to all Governments and Oppositions when they are elected

to govern for change. I have written in the past that it is

wise for a people living in a Democracy to show those who

govern who is the real boss! This can only be done sometimes

by a shock treatment: sending home those who have ruled.

I prefer that they stay there for a couple of terms and no

more! So that the Opposition can check what has been

done and then move on to a different tune in favour

of those sections of society that have missed out!

Economic and social changes are hard to implement

at the best of times. It requires real leadership and good

management to achieve what have been elected promises.

After a while in government, this group of Parties or Party

in Government needs to be moved on. The cycle will continue

to ensure transparency and honesty by the people who govern

for the period of their elected mandate. I look forward to this change

on Saturday. It's time for Labor again, it's time for Shorten! And it's time

for Australia to win the Eurovision Song Contest.

Probably not this time to both!

Tesoro Mio

Non sempre fra gli umani trovi

un tesoro quando lo vuoi. Dopo

una perdita e tu senti ancora

che la vita ti chiama, trovare

un'anima gemella, una persona

cara che ti fa sentire ad agio,

e' questo un gran tesoro! Lo hai

trovato cosi' senza cercarlo. E'

arrivato di colpo come un fulmine

in un giorno dove regnava la calma.

Quella calma che ti cullava nel nulla

e tu sei arrivata ed hai mosso l'aria

che respiravo. Mi hai dato nuova energia.

Ho cominciato di nuovo a muovermi

come facevo nella mia prima gioventu'.

Le esperienze insieme dopo i primi

incontri sono poi diventate piu' frequenti.

Ci siamo riconosciuti come se il tempo

e' rimasto nostro amico e compagno di vita.

Non c'e' voluto molto per trovare sotto

quell'arcobaleno un tesoro di gioia

che si tramuta e si rinnova quando

noi due usciamo insieme. Tutto va

come quel venticello marino che ci

accarezza e ci fa sentire felici.

Il tuo sorriso, gli occhi scintillanti

ed il tuo modo di fare trovano in me

un forte legame di amicizia e cura

reciproca per la nostra salute interiore.

Si potrebbe dire vero amore in questo

nostro periodo di vita al tramonto,

dopo quei sogni giovanili ormai realizzati.

Adesso e' per noi un giorno alla volta

ma vogliamo che questo giorno si rinnovi

per molti anni anncora. Accettiamo

quel che l'Universo e Dio ci donano

e sappiamo che la notte piena di stelle

illumina il nostro cammino in quel viaggio

che ognuno di noi un giorno affronteremo!

Nel frattempo, tu sei per me'Tesoro Mio'

oh Silvana del mio 'Sunset Love'!


We all have our individual habits!!!

Let no-one tell you that your habits are wrong.

They are in fact different from the other person's

habits! Beware though that habits can be bad!

So give yourself time to review your own habits!


The tyranny of distance in a relationship

can be a trial of our own emotions... for love,

companionship, friendship need a time together.

Otherwise distance drives a cold chisel in the middle

of our very being! We, humans, need to feel

the warmth of a hug, the touch of a hand, the seal

of a kiss and all that presence gives to each other.

So when love wanes because of distance, what can

we do to remedy neglect? Writing a letter or card, a poem

or note the many times together? Memories lived, moments

of happiness, the joy of being together doing something

that we both love. Appreciating the absence for whatever

reason can be an antidote, but distance is like a small poison

portion that drives each party apart. To live without the other,

not to see or talk to each other often: to be one's own best friend

becomes the normal habit. The new habitat in which there is only

room for newcomers or solitude! "Is another love the answer? "

You asked or rather you said this to test my reaction, adding: "maybe

you need someone closer!" Geography, you know! Ah, distance!

Our chats

We often talk about all sorts of things and entertain

ourselves for substantial blocks of time! Sometimes

you complain about me taking too much valuable time

from other things that you have to do. Sometimes you

don't mind it at all. What is good is the fact that we leave

these corridors of communication via phone, text, video

calls or just plain chatting when we are together.

It feels good and comfortable being with you, Silvana.

But I notice that others are just as comfortable in your

presence and with your ability to hold conversations

for long periods. In this respect I mirror your character.

I too can keep chatting and conversing for hours... and

especially when the other person disagrees or has a different

point of view! Then it's like being in Parliament! "Why do we

tick so well? I ask myself at times. Am I happy to do this

with many other people? Yes and no! It depends whether

I am in the mood to hold 'court' in my chat saloon. Yes, with you,

this is different. No matter what the hour, I am always ready

to stop everything, even what I am doing! That is usually

the case. You are close even if far away and sometimes far

away when you are close! This ability to hold your 'persona'

whether close or distant attracts my curiosity and my love

to be with you. Over the last few months, almost six months

now, you have been present and we have enjoyed each other's

company, friendship, activities and good food and drinks,

whether at home, outdoors or out. The times of our absence

from each other, as we live our own individual life, have in fact

been good times too! Distance makes love grow fonder... and so

it is with developing friendships. For we are in our Sunset years

and we want to enjoy the fullness of life with all that's been and

is going to be! Let it be so as we move forward to own what

we have and acquire new experience of each other, together!

La tua assenza

La tua assenza si fa sentire in queste giornate

di freddo e di quiete solitudine nel mio ritrovo,

dove passo il tempo a riflettere, a pensare

a quel che devo fare. E poi mi muovo

per mettere le cose in ordine, per organizzare

gli ordini, per guardare un po' il telegiornale

da dove arrivano tante notizie. E per questo

e fra questa vita quotidiana che sento la tua

assenza. Una mancanza in tutto presente

perche', ormai, mi sono abituato a far le cose

mie, come voglio io! Ed io so che anche tu fai

lo stesso, oh Silvana! Ed e' giusto che sia cosi'!

Mi domando perche' ancora mi affatico a capire

qual'e' la giusta via per questa compagnia, per

la nostra amicizia che richiede piu' presenza?!

Forse arrivera' fra qualche giorno un tuo text

o telefonata per dirmi che sei di nuovo qui,

nella nostra citta'. Pensando alle nostre gia'

vissute attivita', questa tua assenza mi da'

speranza per le settimane che verranno.

Ma e' vero che l'amore e' come il fuoco che

brucia quando c'e' legna e castagne in serate

di schietta conversazione. O quando andiamo

fuori a ballare e passare il tempo a ritmo di cha cha!

Tu sei un'esperta di questo ballo mentr'io mi trovo piu'

ad agio al suono di un tango o di un valzer. E gia' le nostre

piacevoli ore insieme cii fanno apprezzare quest'amicizia

che continua, anche con le assenze! Perche' la distanza fra noi

aguzza in me la voglia di stare piu' insieme a te! La tua distanza

presente e' inevitabile come il mio Sunset Love per te!

For my Friend Silvana
(Amica Poesia e Tramonto Amore)

Leopardi prese l'ispirazione da Silvia

ed io adesso la prendo dalla mia amica Silvana.

Ma chi e' Silvana? E' una donna che mi fa scrivere

tante poesie. Un'amica non come tante altre

nella mia vita. Si', perche' la vera fonte dell'amore

che ho nel mio cuore e' la mia Amica Poesia.

Ed e' lei che mi tiene veramente compagnia,

che mi vuole bene senza alcun gioco di potere,

che mi da' le coccole spirituali quando ne ho

veramente di bisogno. Pero' la mia Amica Poesia

e' anche amica delle donne che ho anche amato

platonicamente prima e poi mentre avevo al mio fianco

la mia Nella. La mia Amica Poesia fa avvicinare

chiunque viene da me e resta con me dopo il primo

iniziale incontro di grande attrazione e meraviglia.

Familiarita' piano piano entra a far parte di questa

nostra, mia realta'. E la mia Amica Poesia rimane poi

la mia costante amica quando rimango solo.

Percio' mi mancano adesso tanto le vere coccole,

gli abbracci ed i baci occasionali della mia amica Silvana.

Scegliere non so, non sta a me. Pero' io so che infine

rimango sempre e solo con la mia Amica Poesia! E cosi' sia!

Eccetto quando il sole mi riscalda in questo Tramonto Amore!

La Mia Amica Poesia/My Friend Poetry

Lately I have realized that my Friend Poetry has been

a constant throughout my adult life since I wrote that

first poem there in the Baillieu Library at the University

of Melbourne back in 1968! And not only poetry! Plenty

of writing for myself and to explain my failures, omissions

and weaknesses. Trying to identify why things turned out

the way they did. And as my writings occurred at night more

often than not, I developed a sixth sense in appreciating

the calm of the night in a busy family household. Then I also

began to publish a few poems in the Italian Club University

magazine and later in a literary page of a couple of the local

Italian Language Newspapers and in schools. My writings

never stopped ! And I did not have it looked at professionally.

This writing was there for me! At times in my early years

I would bother my mamma or sisters to listen to the occasional

poem that I had written. Later on I would do this with my wife

Nella. My writing was always about what happened or a reaction

to what was happening around me! The years rolled by and I

continued to write even when I was very busy! Especially then!

My writing also improved and I continued to take every opportunity

to write cards for birthdays and other Social or Festive occasions.

My Friend Poetry was my 'confidante', but I did not allow myself

the luxury of pouring my feelings onto paper knowing that

the written word is like going to meet your friends in a piazza.

My Friend Poetry was a true companion without getting

so close to it that it could hurt my feelings or those of others.

Keeping a balanced view, saying just enough to share our

human side and personality. My friend poetry was present

at Births, Baptisms, Communions, Weddings, all Festive

occasions, Birthdays, travel. It also leads me to appreciate

photography... a picture is worth a thousand words, then

footage and videos, TV programs and now online and internet...

My Friend poetry was a companion when I travelled with Nella,

when she was sick and went to Eternal Life... Then My Friend

Poetry gave me a hand in developing a new friendship with my

immediate environment. Silvana arrived. So I began the journey

of following close those activities and meetings that we shared over

many months. My Friend Poetry and my friend Silvana have fused

into this Sunset Love episodes and book. Of course literary convention

requires that this book is also a work of fiction for all readers to enjoy.

Sunset Love it!

Watching the pot boil

All things take their time, especially if we are in a hurry!

So don't watch the pot, let the water in it warm up, heat up,

boil at its own pace! And it depends on what we want to do

to stop this process from cold to boil! Sometimes we need

the water in the pot to remain just right for the use we want.

As time is the essential element in all that we want to do

and achieve, it's fair to suggest to ourselves to go easy...

Don't rush the process in place, let it run its course and all

will be fine, just the way we want it to be! So it is between

people who are friends. Remain at ease and let the other

live their own life, without pressure and with detachment

in practice. Eventually the other person will come around

looking for you, instead of vice versa. For we can try too

hard to get what we want when we want it. Be it just

a simple smile or hug or a walk anywhere. Loving the other

person means also to let the other be. To let the other live

at a pace that suits that particular daily routine. Not to

interfere and when this happens, do our own things and be

content! Happiness with ourselves is the key. To love yourself

just as much if not more than you love the other! Remain

patient and joyful each day regardless of what expectations

you have. It's like closing the door of a small door and opening

up an even bigger one. To let whatever happens for the better

enter into your life. Each one then gains in freedom and love!

Then you don't need to watch the pot boil !


After two months of not seeing each other, you told me

that our special time was going to be no more! I was

surprised to say the least because I hardly called you

on the phone, I kept my texting to a minimum, I did

not put much up on Facebook nor did I communicate

with you on your page. When I saw you, you looked tired

and worried about your own family members. You were

happy to catch up with me, but you were reticent to warm

up to my advances, although I felt at home just touching

and holding your hands! You said that we were so different

that you could not go on travels with me, not even to local

places. I thought afterwards about all this and could not

sleep thinking:"What have I done? Apart from being a bit

of a pain in the months before my trip to Italy." But I did

respect your wishes of giving you time to yourself... Have

I done something wrong? Or have I been too distant?

I have my suspicion that all is not well with you! That you

want to distance yourself from me because of your worry

about 'cancer'! You need not worry about this because

I have experienced its lethal presence with my father

and wife. What we all need is to keep this cancer thing

at bay. It is a mystery to me! Therefore my conclusion

is that time, our time, is limited and that each day is precious.

Our 'love' needs to be there to give us the occasional

time of peace and rest in a cocoon of loving joy and mutual

care. These latter we have experienced and it's such a pity

that it's come to an end. I don't want this especially seeing

you so stressed and tense about your family members whom

you love so dearly. Silvana, our time has been special... Why does

it have to end like this? Tell me. I am your 'sunset love'...

What if ?

What if I do all that you want. That is: not ring you,

not contact you, but only occasionally. Leaving it all

up to you to initiate your own wishes when to see me!

What if I remain passive and only have 'love' for you

in my heart? Would this be what you really want?

In other words you only want platonic love! Instead

I burn inside thinking of you and the times that I can be

together. I love our very own special day when we share

companionship and care... doing whatever comes on

that very day! Be it a walk in the park, an activity with your

local friends, a swim in the sea, some outings to shops

and markets, just a dinner for two prepared by loving you!

Yes, I too want to contribute, but no, you have it all under

control! What if I see you only occasionally and don't put

demands on your freedom? This I have given you most

willingly because I too love my freedom, except for the fact

that I am very loyal and careful to be less adventurous

when I should! This you have understood and told me

to go out there and enjoy myself with other friends

and companions! Is this why you want to stop our time

together so that I can be free and less loyal? Maybe I will

have to follow your advice and roam around and look

for love in other places. Will I find it? Who knows? What

I know is that my nights now are less peaceful thinking

about not having you daily in my heart and mind. Saying

Goodbye is hard to do... especially because

'I love you, amore mio!'

Travelling with you

This year I took a holiday and you were there in my heart

and mind. You were not present, nor did I try to keep in touch.

I wanted you to have your own time to reflect and to do

whatever you chose. I wanted to have the freedom to go since

I suspected that you were not ready to travel with me. Strange as

it may seem, these suspicions became the reality that I then faced.

With consequences when I came back home. Whilst travelling and

staying for some time near the beach, in my own apartment, to enjoy

my sea and reflection holiday, you were often present with your absence!

My love for you was present when I swam in that crowded beach full

of people. Somehow I just wanted to swim and take the sun as a reminder

of our summer months on those few times that we walked by the sea

or had a swim. I even promised myself to lose some weight and become

trimmer. This I had promised I would do, even though you doubted

and others doubted too that this was possible in Italy. On holidays people,

tourists generally put on weight , indulge in the local food and are relaxed

to enjoy what the locals are famous for in their cooking. Somehow, I don't

know why, I did not even write one poem about you or us! My friendship

for you, I thought, was solid and could not be broken. So secure in my belief

that I would look forward to meeting you again on my return and be like

we had been. Renewing the texting, chatting on the phone, having our

activities on those occasional times when we met. A more genuine love

and like you could not have for yourself. I know that we were not always

on the same page with our opinions, ways of doing things and I went

along with the fact that I seemed to be so clumsy and ignorant about

normal, everyday things, technology and decision making!

"What a surprise I did receive!" Totally unexpected in my travels still

with you in mind on my return!

Let me see now

"I want to travel with you" I said.

"This is not possible. We are not compatible for this activity",

you replied. "Not even some places close by?" I continued.

"No, I can't do that either " was your quick answer.

So now I will travel with you in my heart and mind. Go places,

explore what I would have liked to share with you. Maybe even

in the company of another or others. But I know that I will still have

you with me because now you are only a character in my book!

I shall write about the experiences that we would have had

together. My love for you and the memories I hold are still

so strong right now. Time will eventually cover these tracks

and I shall move on and walk at my own pace, in the courses

that I will choose. What a pity! I honestly thought that we had

reached a perfect understanding and our arrangement was

mutually beneficial. You were I thought 'the perfect companion'

for me. I thought that you said: "we are so different in our views

and ways of doing things!" Yes, but for me, that was the attraction.

What gave us more strength and interest in each other.

We complement each other in so many ways and 'love' could

unite the two in our sunset years! I don't know why you have

chosen to say "goodbye", but I must say "not definitively!" You may

need space and time for yourself. This I have given you and am willing

to accept as we move along in time! Our friendship can still remain

strong but now that you have cast your net and rejected this particular

fish in your part of the sea, I am not so sure that we can be the same

as before! The test of 'love' will come into play and if this is positive,

then we may be able to continue to walk together. All I know now: that

my heart is in pain, your rejection hurts and I still think of you!

Goodbye, my love

The Sun has set on this love that began when it was warm

and the light of day was strong. It was a sunset love that was

to be a more permanent friendship. Finding a companion to share

the joy of togetherness in simple activity: a walk on the beach

or the park, in the city or at public events, texting and sharing

intellectual talk about literary, artistic or any other topic

of conversation. Sharing a meal, an outing to the movies, going

dancing, reading books and having opinions that could challenge

and strengthen the relationship. Why not a hug or two, a kiss

and warm embrace, all that could carry the flame for each other's

presence in our lives. But also to have freedom and independence

to do what we must do outside of our together time, with our own

commitments, duties and choices. Then a period of separation, a time

away for a holiday and on returning wanting to resume where

we left off! It wasn't to be! You just said: " This can't be, no permanency

of this friendship as we have had it, your intense passion about your

own writing output is doing my head in!" Or this is what I understood.

"I need my own time to rebalance, find my equilibrium" you continued.

Well you have finally told me to be more in tune with myself, to go

and explore other friendships, not to be so demanding of time

with phone calls and texts! It was no use to say that distance of two

months caused this rift since I only spoke or contacted you a few times

and then didn't see you until, on our first meeting, you told me that:

" It was over! No more sunsets together, not even occasionally."

This was the time for me to say " Goodbye, my love!"

It was pitch dark and not even a goodbye kiss!